Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Freshman Fifteen...

In the past few months, I have acquired what can only be explained as the post-wedding 'freshman fifteen.' I was blessed with metabolism that allowed me not to be affected by this curse in my college years. By some miracle I was able to avoid packing on the lbs, even though I ate ice cream for breakfast, pizza, and Reese cups on a daily basis. I was hated for this piece of good fortune. So I rubbed it in. I created the largest ever tin foil ball out of mini-Reese cup wrappers and displayed it on top of the TV in our dorm for all to see. Evidently, my luck has run out. Karma's a bitch... I have put on 8lbs since the wedding. Quite an accomplishment being that it has only been 2 months. I have allowed my gym membership to expire and have lost all motivation to eat healthy & exercise. What is wrong with me? Something needs to be done about this... Fast! I'm determined to get back to my fighting weight, I just need to figure out how. Whatever the plan, it'll have to wait until after Easter. Some Peeps are calling my name...

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